Criteria for posting materials in the Virtual Backpack

4 years ago

The Chicopee Public Schools will now be limiting the number of flyers sent home to students and will instead post flyers here, on the District site. 

1. Organizations requesting posting must be a non-profit group (501(c)3) based in Chicopee or its neighboring communities. 

2. The District retains the right to determine the date material is posted and removed. 

3. The exact material must be submitted for approval, and may not contain any of the following: 

  • Any direct solicitation of money or other items of value except for dues for membership or fees for an activity announced in the materials. 
  • Material which is commercial in nature, except as related to approved school fundraising activities or services supportive of school-sponsored activities. 
  • Material which is defamatory or vulgar.
  • Anything that would cause substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the District or any of its schools or activities. 
  • Material that would violate any law or School Committee policy. 
4. The District reserves the right to further limit the number of requests for posting. 
5. Materials are posted for informational purposes only. This posting does not imply the District's support of them. 

To submit a flyer for posting, email 

Events and notifications from Community Organizations
Please note: This content is not sponsored by the Chicopee Public Schools, nor are these organizations associated with the Chicopee Public Schools.